In order to get the most of services like and StumbleUpon there are a few things we should all be doing.
Tagging is transforming the web in a ways that we have yet to fully realize. Social bookmarking sites allow us to save a page we find, tag it with a few descriptive words, add a short description about the page and then share it with a network of friends and the entire community.
Here a few tips I would like to encourage each of us follow as we practice being a good social tagger.
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There are a few things I’ve been wanting to set up for my blog. But like a lot of non critical projects they tend to take a back seat to the ‘real’ work that fills up our days. Now that the holiday break is here I’ve been able to make some of those changes.
You’ll start to notice Amazon, Diigo and ScribeFire used more in the site. You’ll also notice that in order to condense the front page I’ll be using a read more link that requires site visitors to click through to read the full article. This won’t affect anyone subscribing to the RSS feed. It’s intended to make it easier to scan my most recent articles by giving a taste on the front page, without having to scroll down forever. Shorter posts won’t require this.
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Mozilla Expands Its Universe With Weave Annotated
The initiative,
, is a new project that will store user information - like bookmarks, passwords, history, preferences and customizations, and sync it to your Firefox account. Users can then access that information in the event of a hard drive failure, or if they are on a guest machine (say, at a cyber cafe).
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Global Neighbourhoods: Do video bloggers suck? Annotated
I, for one, think that online video blogging is just now getting started and the possibilities for the bloggers turning into video casters are north of huge.
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FORTUNE: Techland Online TV at the tipping point « Annotated
Is Net-based TV ready for its close-up? Television ratings are already starting to plummet, the ongoing writers’ strike shows no signs of ending, and the development schedule for next year’s programming is looking increasingly dicey. While one report suggests that ex-TV watchers are turning to books and magazines, some folks in the nascent Internet TV business say they’re enjoying a sudden uptick in audience.
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Earlier this year Chris Anderson of Long Tail fame wrote a post that’s been sitting in the back of my head for a while. The concept is about what he calls “spare cycles”.
“Spare cycles”-the human potential that isn’t tapped by our jobs, which for most of us is a lot of it. People wonder how Wikipedia magically arose from nothing, and how 50 million bloggers suddenly appeared, almost all of them writing for free.
Who knew there was so much untapped energy all around us, just waiting for a catalyst to become productive? But of course there was. People are bored, and they’d rather not be.
Where are your spare cycles? For most people it’s in the car, it’s spent waiting for the next meeting and it’s especially spent waiting for the next flight. I would argue that most of those spare cycles, almost all of that time is spent not at work or at home, it’s spent being mobile. Even when you’re in a meeting, not paying attention to a PowerPoint presentation, it’s more discreet to work off a phone than a laptop.
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I’ve gotten a few questions lately on an older post of mine about using Web 2.0 tools inside the company firewall. One of those queries came in the form of an email from Michelle Rafter. Michelle writes for Inc. Technology and wrote a post specifically dealing with how companies are using or can use Social Networking tools internal.
Now that companies use social networking to connect with the outside world, more are bringing the same technology in-house. It doesn’t have to take a lot of time, effort or money to get started.
The article is a quick but good read, be sure to check it out (and I’m not just saying that because she quotes me
The other question I get is not just how to deploy the tools (probably since most people responsible for this aren’t the technical person) but what should be the topic? There are two answers I have for this: Pick one thing or Anything.
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How would you feel if you were at a party and in the middle of your conversation with friends the guy hosting the party announced to everyone what your last purchase was and if you’d like one too you should come and talk to him? Kind of creepy huh?
How about if you went to a business networking party and were asked to sit through a “short presentation” before you could join the event with the host bar? “No you can’t have the names of my 5 closest friends.”
Contrast those scenarios with this, “We’d like to thank our sponsors for making today’s event possible. If you’d like to find out more about what they do they have a booth set up over on the side.” Not annoying at all. And while you may or may not visit their booth, you’re probably more inclined to thank higher of them than the previously mentioned annoying situations.
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However it doesn’t help those of us that are forced to use IE at work. It would be cool if FF made an IE toolbar. Right now the best go between is the Google toolbar which works across browsers
- post by tacanderson