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2009 predictions: Mergers, Netbooks, Smartphones, Linux and Energy

comparison of the sizes of a package of handke...Image via WikipediaWhile I think all of these are pretty safe bets, I think the author got it right on. And in 09-10 I think that safe bets will be the only bets, but that still doesn’t mean they’ll pay off.

TG Daily - 2009: Year of mergers, platform changes and conservation

Analyst Opinion - 2009 is shaping up to be a nasty year, in fact it looks like 2009 and 2010 will be years we’ll want to look back on as briefly as possible. But these years will also clear out of lot of the dead and dying companies that have been clogging up the market. I believe the U.S. and the technology industry will both emerge stronger than they went into this cycle. Let’s look at some of the trends that likely will dominate 2009 and a few of the bellwether companies that currently define the tech market.

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2 Comments to “2009 predictions: Mergers, Netbooks, Smartphones, Linux and Energy”

  1. Paul Says:

    Agreed for hardware but not necessarily software.

    Agreed in this scope..

    The proprietary nature of some companies’ strategy to “Protect their installed base” will be the kiss of death. Unless they drop prices so low that the products are completely disposable. It means that a computer with a broken video card that can’t plug in an after market card will cost too much to repair than replace. So the break point on a laptop would have to be around $200 - means people won’t come back to that brand for a replacement if it costs more than 25% of new to repair.

    The lessons of going proprietary are in Apple, Wang, Compac, - all 3 should have owned the market, but they didn’t.

    Web 3.0 will change how we interface with our technologies leaving Web 2.0 simply in interim step of evolution - not revolution.

    The safe bets will not be as safe as they were, and sheer marketing strength will not make up for deficits in products. - MS Word 2010 will have to be much better, for example than Word 2003 to drop any steep upgrade price, as people who bought 2007 office did not see any significant benefit from their investment. Another example - Vista for business people was a user unfriendly upgrade. Open OSs and productivity tools will capture more ground as people must accept them as economic alternatives to high priced replacements.

    The “cloud” will consolidate into droplets in 09 with emerging software making productivity tools more democratic. Results are the cloud will form into a thunder shower of new ideas and concepts in 2010/2011.

    New products and software will reshape the landscape. It will be a fun!

    The hardware will be much like hardware from Home Depot, and it will be the craftsmen and women who will use the hardware as tools to create a new world order.

    They will not be stopped but will be nurtured in a economy that values productivity.

    Need to know more? Want to help shape the world? Have ideas that can shape the (technological) NWO? Let me know. I would enjoy a dialog.


  2. Tac Says:

    Thank you for your comment. I think you win the prize for the comment that was bigger than the post. Great insight. I couldn’t agree more.

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