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Are You a Leader or Lunch?

This lion wants to eat youLisa Barone at Outspoken Media asks: Why are you scared to be outspoken?

It’s an honest question I hear a lot from social media practitioners. We see and experience so many great things everyday we feel bad for people that don’t actively participate and frustrated when clients don’t jump in with both feet.

But much like we need to stop hating late adopters and stop worrying about critics, we also need to understand and accept our own fear.

We are social animals. We have evolved as a society because of our cohesion and our need to be accepted. In ancient societies the worst thing you could do to someone was to exile them. Cast them out of the tribe. It’s in our DNA not to stand out.

The one that stands out has to face the lions; either as the leader or as lunch.

That’s a big bet to make. But a legitimate one to ask. Do you or your company want to be a leader or lunch?

We are hard wired to not stand out. That fear has kept our race alive. But now it get’s in the way of people being involved. Your fear or the collective fear of your company is stopping you from being a leader.

Here’s what I can promise you if you’re willing to be a leader:

  • You will stand out.
  • People will criticize you.
  • Some people will hate you.
  • You will become a target.


  • You will stand out.
  • More people will praise you.
  • More people will love you.
  • You will become someone worth following.

Leaders don’t become lunch. Being a follower makes you more likely to be lunch. We need more leaders.

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Photo credit By tommy.lan
Photo credit By pixelediting

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

  • http://topsy.com/www.newcommbiz.com/are-you-a-leader-or-lunch/?utm_source=pingback&utm_campaign=L2 Tweets that mention Are You a Leader or Lunch? | New Comm Biz — Topsy.com

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tac Anderson, Marcus Nelson, Mike Whitmore, AllThingsM, Kevin Williams and others. Kevin Williams said: RT @tacanderson: Are You a Leader or Lunch? http://bit.ly/dg91Vs (new post) [...]

  • http://www.jeremymeyers.com/ Jeremy Meyers

    The risk of not standing out is becoming much more visible lately. Think of the companies not connecting digitally, with crappy sales-focused websites.

    Our job is to help them get past fear and see everything happening as an opportunity to be taken not a risk to be mitigated.

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com tacanderson

    It's like AA though. They have to first admit there's a problem before we can help them. Then we serve lots of coffee and donuts and hold an intervention :)

  • http://www.jeremymeyers.com/ Jeremy Meyers

    That's not what we end up doing, tho, right? It ends up being more about connecting the dots from customer perception and loss of revenue to bad communications policy, and then we go from there…no?

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com/forget-strategy-how-do-you-scale-the-social-media-strategists/ Forget Strategy: How do you Scale the Social Media Strategists | New Comm Biz

    [...] Build a team: Even if it’s a cross functional team, you need a team of people to start implementing social media more broadly. Now’s the time to be a leader. [...]

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