Image by via CrunchBase
I love TweetDeck. There are very few apps that I would declare a love affair with. If it wasn’t for TweetDeck there is no way I could be as effective, efficient and engaged as I am on Twitter with 1400+ followers. Dividing multiple followers into multiple columns is a true life saver.
It also has brilliant integration with TwitScoop (Twitter search) and 12seconds, if you’re into video.
I just have two problems with it.
1 - I run multiple laptops and have Tweetdeck installed on all of them. I also have multiple groups set up. Trying to go back and recreate each of those groups is a huge pain. Being able to synch multiple Tweetdecks would be a huge advantage.
So I asked
2 - I run multiple Twitter accounts. This forces me to keep using Twhirl to manage my TechBoise account. I really wish that TweetDeck let me manage multiple accounts from one app. So I asked again
Today I got a response from TweetDeck
A - Great response, they just sealed a user for life.
B - Their Twitter stream is filled with responses just like this. They have to have someone full time just listening and responding to requests.
So if you’re a Twitter user, I highly recommend TweetDeck and if you have any requests, just ask @TweetDeck
What features do you want to see in TweetDeck?
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