I’ve been thinking a lot about the challenges the companies face with social media and using it for marketing. There are lot to be sure but there’s one in particular that I haven’t heard anyone talk about yet; distributing your content. In the early days (a few years ago) making people aware that you had [...]
Someone flinches or falls asleep. Not long ago most strategists would tell you that your strategy was wrong because it was outdated. You’d held onto it for too long. This is kind of the classic innovators dilemma. Those that succeeded, did so on a strategy that doesn’t work anymore. But the point often overlooked is that [...]
When I logged onto Twitter this morning I found a new little feature called recent images. It instantly reminds me of Facebook’s newest implementation of profile pictures or the similar layout that Google+ has. I think this is a good feature for Twitter to implement. People love pictures and they love sharing them on Twitter. Honestly I’m [...]
My first business, when I was in my late 20′s, was a skateboard shop in Las Vegas and I learned one very important lesson: Nothing hits harder than concrete. I learned this lesson because things never go as smooth as you would like. Owning a business is probably the hardest thing I’ve even done (moving [...]
The move to the UK has been pretty disruptive as I’m sure you can imagine but I’ve also found it oddly disruptive to my social media activities. It hasn’t been disruptive on my quantity of activity or even my quality of content (you may think otherwise so please tell me if you do). It’s been [...]
Guten Tag! Greetings from Munich. As I’ve been working with clients and our account teams here in Europe I get a common piece of push back and that’s that social media still has a relatively low (~30%) penetration in Germany and France. I find it useful to remind people that social media is not digital. [...]
Amazon recently signed a deal with Tim Ferris for some serious money. Apparently they will publish not only the publish the Kindle version but a hard cover version. - That’s interesting. To me that’s the real question of viability of Amazon as a publisher. Right now if an author self publishes an eBook they have to upload [...]
I read the bellow article about Museums as a business model and was reminded of an amazing book I read several years ago that was written even more years ago than that (in 1999): Blown to Bits: How the New Economics of Information Transforms Strategy This is a near apocryphal book (they basically predicted the rise of [...]
Twitter lists is it’s most underrated feature, closely followed by Favorites. Very few Twitter users use lists. Facebook has had Groups (same concept) and almost no one uses them. Google+ is built around Circles so it kind of forces the issue but I wonder how many people use them that well. I suspect most will [...]
It seems like only a few short years that social media was still in its infancy. Oh yeah, because it was. Crazy. I’ve gleefully watched the rise of social media and have financially benefited from it greatly. I caught the wave early and have been fortunate enough to ride it all the way in. I [...]
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