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Brand monitoring tips [Tuesday Homework]

I hope you guys are finding this series of Tuesday posts helpful. Today’s post is for all you corporate types (although this works for agency types working on client accounts).

Monitoring your brand online is critical for two reasons:

  • It helps prevent an online crisis from building up before you are aware of it and can respond
  • It helps you stay connected to how your brand is perceived by the public

The very first thing you should do is set up a Google Alert and/or a Technorati Watchlist for your company. I’ve found Technorati to be quicker but Google to be more comprehensive.

Some of the less common brand monitoring searches include searching on Flickr and YouTube for your brand. This can be a little bit harder because depending on how the person tagged their photos or videos could make it difficult to find relevant content.

Looking through bookmarking sites like del.icio.us, Diigo and Ma.gnolia can also turn up some invaluable results. I’ve often found stuff here the Google Alerts didn’t even turn up.

Following Twitter through services like Tweet Scan can give you a real-time view of what’s happening to your brand. This is where companies can really shine by being on top of customer service issues.

Finally (this one is really for larger companies) something I’ve started doing is searching LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter for company employees that are using these services. This isn’t so much of a monitoring activity as it is a way to stay connected to what’s happening in my organization.

If I am going to propose an idea that involves buy in or involvement from a separate organization it sure makes it a lot easier if I know an insider that “gets it”. If I’ve already connected to that person they become an invaluable source of information. They can help me talk to the right people and save me weeks of emailing random people or following dead end leads.

Is there anything I missed? Do you have any tips for monitoring your companies brand?

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

  • http://pronetos.com Chris Blanchard

    This is a great series, Tac. I do have Google alerts set up for “Pronetos” and for myself (personal brand management, you know), but I never thought to go much further than that. This is good stuff!

  • http://pronetos.com Chris Blanchard

    This is a great series, Tac. I do have Google alerts set up for “Pronetos” and for myself (personal brand management, you know), but I never thought to go much further than that. This is good stuff!

  • http://www.1GoodReason.com Chris Kieff

    Nice roundup covering Youtube and Flickr are excellent ideas often overlooked.

  • http://www.1GoodReason.com Chris Kieff

    Nice roundup covering Youtube and Flickr are excellent ideas often overlooked.

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com Tac

    Chris and Chris,
    Thanks guys for the comments. I actually figured this out about Flickr and YouTube accidentally. They’re not the easiest services to search but you can really come across some gems in there.

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com Tac

    Chris and Chris,
    Thanks guys for the comments. I actually figured this out about Flickr and YouTube accidentally. They’re not the easiest services to search but you can really come across some gems in there.

  • http://sharemarketing.wordpress.com/2008/08/06/the-social-graph-comes/ The social graph comes « People like to share

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