- Image by Tac Anderson via Flickr
We have dozens of Twitter-like, microblogging applications for inside the enterprise but where’s the LifeStreaming applications? If there is one already, I’m not aware of it.
Where is the Enterprise 2.0 version of FriendFeed? Where is the app that captures my work progress? Every time I create a document, edit a wiki, have a conference call or client meeting that activity should be captured in my work-LifeStream. All the pieces are there. In the enterprise Microsoft Office is the predominant OS and Vista and Office 07 have RSS built into the entire system (disclaimer: Microsoft is a client). There is no reason* that all of my work activity (probably excluding emails) couldn’t be captured in one activity stream. Details about the activity could be limited to little more than something like a document title and possibly a summary or snippet. (*By ‘no reason’ I do not mean to minimize the difficulty of building this type of app.)
Then all of those streams could be connected by work teams, projects and any other various ‘net-work’ connection.
IMO, project management would reach new levels of efficiency. I’m sure (I hope) there are several smart companies working on this (send me an email if you are). I also think that this type of activity would do more to break down company silo’s than anything else.
What do you think? Am I crazy? Would this type of activity overwhelm the average worker (initially yes). Is that a bad thing?
You may be wondering what the picture in this post has to do with the article. This is the office where 3 years ago Rich Breton and I tried to make a product similar to this idea. You can read about that effort here.
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