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Foursquare Lists: An awesome feature almost no one will use.

Twitter lists is it’s most underrated feature, closely followed by Favorites. Very few Twitter users use lists.

Facebook has had Groups (same concept) and almost no one uses them.

Google+ is built around Circles so it kind of forces the issue but I wonder how many people use them that well. I suspect most will use 2-5 circles (the default ones) and just lump most people into 2 or 3 of them. I also think forcing people to choose will limit it’s adoption.

Foursquare just rolled out lists. Foursquare’s implementation is obviously totally different. It’s places, not people but it’s still the same user behavior; curation. From everything I’ve found only about 1-5%, on average, of your users (your power users) will use curation tools.

Having said that I think this is an awesome feature. As we know that 1% can still make a world of difference.

Foursquare Gets Into The Crowdsourced Curation Game With Tip Lists

The most interesting part about Foursquare Lists is their potential if executed correctly; Obviously this is a huge marketing opportunity for brands. “With Lists, brands, businesses, celebrities, and other organizations can easily organize and share their expertise and insights with our millions of users,” says Jonathan Crowley, Foursquare’s director of business development. Foursquare partner Lucky Magazine already has its Favorite LA Home StoresMTV has its Hot Music Video Locations and People Magazine has built one for Star-Gazing Spots! Yeah.

Related: Tristan Walker’s lists are awesome, especially this one about “Dream Sandwiches” and this one curated from the Quora answers to “What restaurants in the world have the best views?” I want to go to there.

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

  • http://www.gravity7.com/blog/media/ gravity7

    I’m hoping that shared lists get some traction. I see limited value in keeping lists for personal use only. But sharing lists of favorite places — very cool. We’ll have to see how it goes for them!

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com/ tacanderson

    Yeah, I agree it’s a great feature. I definitely plan on using it. I think there’s a lot of potential here. I’m sure there’s a strong brand play as well. 

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