- Image via CrunchBase
Following two posts on the topic of blog evolution comes some alerts that fuel more thoughts. I’m obviously geeking out here but please bear with me.
The below alert talks about a recent move by Posterous that would allow it to become a defacto publishing tool for content producers.
New on Posterous - Post to …
New on Posterous - Post to Picasa, YouTube, Vimeo, FriendFeed, and others! It’s been an exciting week here at Posterous and we’re keeping things going by announcing a slate of new Autopost sites for photos, videos, status updates,
Now blogs by their nature are Content Managing Systems (CMS). But those just work within themselves. WordPress is probably the most widely used CMS. Drupal Is a powerful CMS that can power multiple sites with one install but this is a whole new evolution.
FriendFeed has had cross posting capability to Twitter from almost the beginning, but not full content and not to blogs. Not to be out done by Posterous, FriendFeed has added the ability for file sharing, including MP3’s.
- Image via CrunchBase
FriendFeed adds file attachments. Next up, Google Wave?
A word about FriendFeed. If they ever decide to support direct messaging and something similar to the @reply tab of Twitter, then they would become my communication mode of choice. There is so much more that can be done there via … I’m Not Actually a Geek
FriendFeed and Posterous are vastly different tools but they are both moving in the direction of being a CMS Engine, or Web Content Management. Posterous is more of a blog and FriendFeed is really more of a content aggregator/search engine but they both serve similar ends: aggregating and storing your content and then pushing that (or notices) out to other parts of the Web.
Like all things Web 2.0 instead of using a closed behind the scenes CMS these are open and out front community influenced CMS’. Dave Patton and I have talked about the CMS needs of an agency like WaggEd. Could the FriendFeed, Posterous approach be replicated for an internal CMS?