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Google Reader Notes helps FriendFeed hurts del.icio.us and Twitter

Garrett Rogers over at zdnet felt the new Google Reader, notes functionality was a possible threat to Twitter. I don’t totally agree with that. It hurts Twitter only because it helps FriendFeed so much. This feature will mostly challenge bookmarking sites like del.icio.us and Diigo.

While it doesn’t completely replace how I use Diigo, it will probably limit it a great deal. Because so much of the information I read is in my reader I have to leave Google Reader so I can go out and bookmark something.

Especially with the ‘Note in Reader’ toolbar feature they released with the Reader notes functionality, it feels a lot like a bookmarking service.

I can share items in my Google reader. I can now add notes to an item and choose to share that out or not. I can also “note” a web page and add that to Google Reader and share it out. Add to that FriendFeed’s aggregation of your shared features and what Google has really done is given a huge advantage to FriendFeed over Twitter. Kind of makes you wonder about how much the ex-Googlers knew before they started FriendFeed. Anyone want to place bets on how long it is before FriendFeed gets acquired by Google?

What this really does though, in my mind, is round out the features in Google Reader. This is a feature I have been wanting for a long time. It’s one thing to share an article with your friends. It’s a totally different thing to share it with the reason why you shared it. That’s been the big advantage to del.icio.us and Diigo.

Now if they added the ability to post those notes to your blog daily, like like del.icio.us and Diigo do, I don’t think I’d ever use anything but Google Reader.

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

  • http://www.alimadzi.com Patrick Lee

    Auto-posting Google Notes to your blog? Considering that Google owns Feedburner, I doubt you’ll be waiting long for that feature.

    And aside from which companies gain/suffer from this latest Google feature, users definitely win. I’m all for raising the bar when it comes to feed reading, social bookmarking, rivers of news, etc. This is a great development in my book.

  • http://www.alimadzi.com Patrick Lee

    Auto-posting Google Notes to your blog? Considering that Google owns Feedburner, I doubt you’ll be waiting long for that feature.

    And aside from which companies gain/suffer from this latest Google feature, users definitely win. I’m all for raising the bar when it comes to feed reading, social bookmarking, rivers of news, etc. This is a great development in my book.

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com Tac

    I agree Patrick. My loyalties lie with whoever makes the best product that makes my job of consuming mass amounts of information easier.

    And I really hope they hurry up with the auto blog post feature and that they don’t just support Blogger.

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com Tac

    I agree Patrick. My loyalties lie with whoever makes the best product that makes my job of consuming mass amounts of information easier.

    And I really hope they hurry up with the auto blog post feature and that they don’t just support Blogger.

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com/content-explosion-and-re-aggregation/ Content Explosion and Re-Aggregation - New Comm Biz - New media strategies for business

    [...] I’ve written about how Google Reader Notes is a huge benefit to FriendFeed. [...]

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