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Hacking Twitter.com with My6Sense and Klout

Twitter.com continues to escalate their features in an effort to drive functionality, engagement and profitability through advertising. If you don’t follow thousands of people, there is probably little reason to use a desktop Twitter client like TweetDeck, Seesmic or Hootsuite. But for someone like me there are two new tools that are making Twitter.com a useful discovery tool. My6Sense and Klout.

Both of these extensions only work in Chrome (which seems to be the new Firefox) but I wish they worked in other browsers.


I like My6Sense a lot but there’s only one problem with it: until recently its been mobile only. There is no version I can access on my laptop, which is where I consume most of my RSS feeds. However given that more and more people consume their RSS feeds in Twitter now by following the accounts of their favorite blogs and news sources I thought this was a very cool application of My6Sense’s recommendation algorithm.

As you can see from the picture below, the My6Sense Chrome extension adds another column to your Twitter.com interface just to the right of Lists, which surfaces tweets from your stream that you might have missed but My6Sense thinks would be of interest to you. My6Sense runs in the background analyzing the content that you interact with in order to give you better recommendations. As you can see from the above image My6Sense gets “smarter” the more you use it.

The other really cool thing about the My6Sense extension is that it gives you a preview of the article behind the link. This is really handy when scanning your stream and deciding where to spend your valuable seconds. You can also adjust the time period of the links you’re seeing between the last 6, 12, 24 & 48 hours.


As you can see from the picture there is also a Klout extension that adds the Klout score for each person in your stream. Combining this with the My6Sense column doesn’t improve the recommendation but it does provide a little bit of context around the person sharing the link. And no, as I wrote before, Klout’s not perfect but it’s still useful.


We have a recommendation around the subject of the content (My6Sense), we have context around the person sharing the content (Klout), the only thing we’re missing is PostRank data to tell us which content resonated the most. PostRank does this for Google Reader and Google search results but I would love it to add their scoring to the links shared on Twitter. That would make this little hack complete.

This hack isn’t a spend all day on it kind of thing but a few times of day I pop by my hacked Twitter.com to see what I mat have missed.

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

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