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Is Any Media Not Tech?


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Today’s post comes from the no-duh department.

Techmeme has been a tech staple for many, many years. For many of us it’s one of our firsts stops of the day. Late last year the Techmeme network launched Mediagazer, which is the Techmeme of the media industry. It made sense at the time but I’ve noticed something ever since the launch: more and more of the content between the two sites is similar.

Yesterday the top story on both sites was the Apple extortion fee they’re going to start charging publishers for in app purchases. Today the top story is Google’s new subscription service.

Several years ago when I started the blog TechBoise, people would ask me what kind of “tech” companies I was going to write about. In Boise, Idaho my options were pretty limited so I wrote about just about any business that had something to do with tech. And the truth is, almost any company could be classified as tech. In no area is that more true today than media.

I opined on twitter about the topic

Sign of the times: Most of the content on http://www.techmeme.com/ is the same as http://mediagazer.com/
Tac Anderson

And got an unexpected response back from Megan McCarthy, who runs the Mediagazer site.

@tacanderson If you're in media, you need to keep an eye on tech, & vice versa. There's overlap, and some days will be worse than others.
Megan McCarthy

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Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t criticizing. I like both sites and all the content on both sites. But it does strike me as interesting.

John Battelle has been writing for years now about the move of tech companies becoming media companies but it seems like the shift to mobile is driving media companies to become tech companies even faster.

Seriously though take a look through both sites and see how much overlap there is. Is this just because the Mediagazer audience is inherently geared towards tech?

So what do you think? Is this just me being captain obvious?

Is there any media that’s not tech yet? Will all media companies end up being tech companies or will there still be some differentiation?

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

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    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tac Anderson, AllThingsM and New Comm Biz, Medias Sociaux. Medias Sociaux said: Is Any Media Not Tech? http://bit.ly/hdyz22 /via @NewCommBiz [...]

  • John Battelle

    Thanks for the call out. All companies are media companies now…

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com/the-social-media-strategists-power-tools-consumption/ The Social Media Strategists Power Tools [Consumption] | New Comm Biz

    [...] sister site, Mediagazer are two of my firsts stops every morning. Last month I wrote about the amount of overlapping content between the two sites and since then I’ve noticed a very deliberate effort to diversify the [...]

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