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My Favorite To-Do List Uber App

I’m a pretty digital guy. I almost always have two, if not three phones on me, plus my 80 gig iPod along with my 17 inch work laptop and my 11 inch netbook. I get strange looks at airport security when I have 3 different x-ray bins just for my tech. And I’m often known to travel with my own extension cord. I live a very digital life and I like it, but there are a few analog artifacts that I haven’t been able to give up yet. Number 1 on that list is my Moleskine. You can read about my GTD Moleskine Hacks and while my system has changed a little it’s still basically the same.

For me the few times I day I write and work in my Moleskine are the times I allow myself a break from the endless multitasking my job requires of me.

There are also a few other analog artifacts, namely magazines and fiction books.

Here’s my second short video blog and I have to say, these things are getting worse. My heads not even all the way in the frame and I filmed this while staying home while sick so I didn’t even bother to shave, but I did at least shower. My intent is to keep these short and I promise to try and make the next one a little better. My goal is to do one of these a week. You can see all of them on my YouTube channel.

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

  • Anonymous

    for something as simple as writing, i find more is written when i put pen to paper. being at a computer and collecting thoughts can prove to be difficult because of all the distractions of twitter, facebook and even email. i think going ‘analog’ can be good for those that really want to refocus. the other thing that came to mind is efficiency and saving space. granted i could view a magazine on an iPad in a number of taps and swipes, but sometimes nothing can beat the feel of a physical copy and flipping pages. great topic!

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com tacanderson

    I wonder if those few analog things we cling to are more a function of our generation and pre-digital upbringing or if they are crucial to our mental processes and learning. Of course only time will tell and it’s something I watch in my kids. They still love putting pen to paper and still love reading physical books but so far they haven’t had many options yet.

    Thanks Hugh.

  • Anonymous

    interesting that you bring up the point of generations and their upbringing. we have a 17/18 month old in the family that carries the iPhone or iPad around like a security blanket. the lil man knows how to unlock the device and get to angry birds. it’s fascinating to see him do this, yet at the same time, i think to myself, “what is he thinking” and “what would he say verbally if he could talk”. it’ll be interesting to have a conversation with him as he navigates around these devices when does begin to utter words. one funny thing is that he does discriminate against other devices such as my windows phone and from what i can tell, he’s an apple baby thus far.

  • http://twitter.com/NeadReport NeadReport

    Tac! Watch your video and count how many times you say “um”.
    You have relevant things to say but viewers may be distracted by your lack of verbal flow. Say what you mean and mean what you say. You could have condensed your message into a 30 second spot. Think radio or TV ad. Hit me hard and fast and leave me wanting more!

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com tacanderson

    LOL! I warned you this one was getting worse. I did notice the ums but
    published anyway. Thanks for your feedback and I promise the next one
    will be better.

  • Anonymous

    I think that the biggest thing going from digital to analog does is it mentally disconnects us from all offerings a computer brings - internet, SM, etc., etc. - and forces us to have a singular focus on whatever we’re doing. Over the last 4-5 days I’ve been going through this almost out of body experience of disenfranchisement with all things digital that is like working with paper and pen. It’s been a great re-charge time and is helping me realign myself with how I want to engage and work and focus going forward.

    As to the generational issue, I think that it’s easier for those of us who grew up without a total online and computer dependency to disconnect because we’ve been able to cope in an analog world in the past.

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