- Image via CrunchBase
Steve, over at Micro Persuasion shares some tips on how he manages all of his feeds with Google Reader. If you’re not using Google Reader, I highly recommend it. You get cool stats like this:
From your 119 subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read 1,195 items, starred 33 items, and shared 21 items.
That’s only about 40 posts a day, that’s actually a little low. But that’s only counting the feeds I have in Google Reader. I also use Google Personalized Homepage, where I manage all the local feeds I track, plus some special interest topics, like music, for a total of 55 feeds. Then I use the Wizz RSS reader for FireFox, where I follow 10 alert feeds, through Technorati, Del.icio.us and Diigo and the 23 daily “must read” blogs I follow.
Here’s my shared Google Reader feeds.
My Del.icio.us tags feed.
If you want me to find a site just tag it for:tacanderson in del.icio.us and I follow that feed too.
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