Friday is my two year twitterversary. It’s amazing to imagine what all has changed over the last two years and every but of that minutia is captured somewhere in my Twitter stream
I decided to go through and pull out this blogs Top 5 all time Twitter posts. What a trip down memory lane.
#5 What Twitter as email would look like.
Written 7/10/08.
One day when I was completely frustrated with Outlook (oh wait, that’s every day) I did a screen grab of Outlook overlayed by TweetDeck and fantasized about what email would be like if it functioned like Twitter.
#4 Twitter: my social network of choice
Written 3/5/08
Pulling a quote and pic from Hugh Macleod I talked about how Twitter had evolved into my social network of choice.
#3 Twitter Blogger Battle
Written way back in 10/14/07
I believe I was on my way back from Mexico when Stowe Boyd and Dave Winer were having blog argument about Facebook that spilled over into Twitter and it sparked this ode to Dr Seuss.
#2 Twitter Craze Feels Like MySpace Back in the Day
Going back almost 2 years to 3/19/07
I had been on Twitter all of two months and I couldn’t help noticing the similarities between the early days of MySpace and the early days of Twitter. Lots of down time. Uber early adopters. Everyone wondering if it would last or not etc. Here’s my favorite quote:
Many people are already predicting the demise of Twitter. I think they’ll pull through just fine. Twitterers seem pretty willing to live with the glitches caused by the sudden increase in users. I think Twitter is one of the newest ways to stay connected and will change the face of social networking.
#1 How has Twitter stayed #1 despite themselves?
Written 7/24/08 (the day before my birthday)
Sparked by further discussion as to the ability for Twitter to survive despite all of their outages and why everyone didn’t just move over to FriendFeed I pointed out that Twitter is a scale-free network and as long as the “hubs” (the Twitterati) stayed so would their networks.
Thanks for all the tweets
You’ll see several more Twitter posts over the next few days as I celebrate my 2 year twitterversary but I hope you’ll find these older posts of interest.
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