- Image by Tac Anderson via Flickr
If you’ve read any of my various blogs as I’ve hopped around from platform to platform you may have started to notice a trend to my rantings recently. For almost two years I have been chasing windmills and crying for companies to reach out to their customers using New Media technologies like blogs, podcasts and all things RSS.
Then sometime in mid 2006 I started to feel the need to chase a new type of windmill; Companies need to embrace the power of the social web to communicate with not just their customers but their employees, and their financial stakeholders and their strategic partners. From what I’ve seen, New Media has a much greater ROI internally (or at least easier to measure) than it does externally (more on that later).
Now that I’ve escaped the People’s Temple I will be focusing on helping companies use New Media to maximize their relationships with all the groups they rely on to do business. I will also be working on many other related projects and announcing them here first, so grab the feed and stay tuned. If you still want your Marketing fix, there will still be plenty of that here too.
Related articles by Zemanta
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- Social Media [Insert Made Up Buzzwords Here] (newcommbiz.com)
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