- Image via Wikipedia
In case you haven’t heard, advertising is dead. And with it the oldest of old media is dead; newspapers.
Bob Garfield on the state of advertising:
People don’t like ads
Sure, when your ad characters draw a parade crowd on Madison Avenue or you strut up to the awards stage in Cannes with ratty sneakers and fake indifference, of course you feel loved. Alas, you aren’t, especially. In fact, you are mainly resented. A 2006 Forrester Research survey found that 63% of respondents believe there are too many ads, and 47% say ads spoil their reading or viewing enjoyment. This isn’t just talk. Depending on whose numbers you believe, between 50% and 70% of DVR users skip ads. The historical quid pro quo — acquiescence to advertising in exchange for free or subsidized content — is yet another casualty of the revolution.
Stowe Boyd on Journalism:
Journalists will, yes, have to get other jobs, or figure out how to make it online.
Yes, various services that newspapers provide to local communities will have to be accomplished in other ways. But all the money making aspects of what newspapers do will be dissected into more directed online sites — Craig’s List, Yelp, Moviefone, etc. — and the rest no one cares about much. Legal notices? Someone will create a site that specializes in it, and will charge for it.
The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and other national rags (USA Today?) will likely make it, although their economics may change. But the average local newspaper is dead. Buffett said that newspapers are “a business in permanent decline.” If you draw the curve they are going to hit the bottom and bounce.
As old media spirals down it will of course take marketing with them.
But why should New Media be afraid? As marketers scramble to figure out where to throw all that ad revenue social networks and other new media channels will rake it in. But for how long? How long will users continue to put up with interruption. How long before MySpace follows old media to the grave because users are sick of the free ring tone ads?
Marketing is broken. Marketing creates an artificial barrier between you and your customer. No one believes marketers. The best thing you can do is to talk directly with your customers and new media makes that possible. Talk with them when and how they want. Be there for them when they have questions. Listen to them when they have suggestions. And best of all, give them an experience worth talking about.
If no one wants to talk about you, you’re doing something wrong.
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