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Posterous Overtakes FriendFeed, Set to Overtake Delicious.

Image representing Posterous as depicted in Cr...
Image via CrunchBase

Posterous has been gaining a lot of attention lately. Most people see it as a great way to fill that gap between a tweet and a blog. Some people see it as a next generation content management systems for the Web. Other people see it as a lifestream. Whatever you want to call it Posterous is gaining in popularity.

One of the biggest drivers of technology adoption is the group known as curators or collectors. This is the noise 10% on Twitter sharing all those links. It’s also the group that flocked to FriendFeed. It’s that same profile that made Delicious the early New Media breakout service 5 years ago. That is until it got acquired by Yahoo.

In my (not so) humble opinion, the biggest missed opportunity was all that valuable data Delicious users where creating. They tag, curate, comment on and share tens of thousands(?) of links a day, the very thing that has been, arguably, the biggest value of Twitter.


But I’ve seen a trend lately. A lot of people I follow on Posterous and Twitter have started using Posterous for their curation and sharing instead of Delicious or FriendFeed.

Granted this isn’t a fair comparison because Posterous wasn’t intended to be a competitor to Delicious but between great features, a very slick bookmarklet and integration into services like Feedly it becomes a much more feature rich substitute for bookmarking.

On top of that Twitter favorites and Reader shares are also starting to replace this saving and curating activity. It’s still too early to tell if Delicious traffic is really headed down or if it’s just monthly movement but for what it’s worth my favorite bookmarking service Diigo has had slow but steady growth. Of course they have a ton of features Delicious doesn’t have.

Why is any of this random speculation and juxtaposition of traffic data worthy of a blog post? Because as I mentioned before, the curator/collector group is a powerful group if companies can tap into it like Twitter is and Delicious/Yahoo failed to.

What say you?

[UPDATE] It looks like Delicious managed to stay ahead of Posterous for the time being. But I wonder for how long?

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

  • BryanPerson

    Thoughtful post here, Tac. I still have so much invested in my delicious account, that it remains the primary place where I aggregate and tag stories, posts, websites that I want to keep track of and research later.

    Posterous offers its own set of rich features, but how do you find it for tagging and search retrieval?

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com tacanderson

    I rarely used bookmarking to actually go back and search. The other problem is that there are so many places I save things (I'm a total pack rat). So I end up with the scenario of “Did I favorite that in Twitter, save it in Reader, share it, RT it, blog it or bookmark it?” This is why I still love and use FriendFeed. Everything feeds into FriendFeed and then I can search for it all there.

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    [...] Posterous Overtakes FriendFeed, Set to Overtake Delicious. (newcommbiz.com) [...]

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    [...] Posterous Overtakes FriendFeed, Set to Overtake Delicious. (newcommbiz.com) [...]

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    [...] Posterous Overtakes FriendFeed, Set to Overtake Delicious. [...]

  • http://www.yourversion.com Dan Olsen

    Great post. It's always interesting to see analyses like this of trends in usage of related products over time. One thing worth noting whenever a Delicious traffic chart is shown: a lot of their usage happens via their APIs which isn't reflected in those charts.

    Users who value the discovery of new content in addition to bookmarking should check out real-time discovery engine http://www.yourversion.com. The primary focus is discovery of new, relevant content based on your specific interests, but YourVersion also provides tagged bookmarking as well as sharing via email, Twitter, and Facebook. There's also a free iPhone app.

    I agree that curation is gaining more mind share these days; YourVersion plans to roll out new features along those lines in the near future.


  • rameshkoneru

    Love Posterous. Its A.W.E.S.O.M.E - in the true sense of the word.
    Posting, Tagging, Sharing(automatically) and Commenting/Tweeting have never been easier.

    Posterous rocks.

  • http://rameshkoneru.posterous.com Ramesh Koneru

    Love Posterous. Its A.W.E.S.O.M.E - in the true sense of the word.
    Posting, Tagging, Sharing(automatically) and Commenting/Tweeting have never been easier.

    Posterous rocks.

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