- Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Tomorrow I will be speaking to the Treasure Valley Consultants Network. I will be speaking on SEO and specifically what the individual (or the individual within a small company) can do to increase their SEO.
How does this fit into my overall quest of educating the masses about New Media and Web 2.0? SEO used to be a tactic that affiliate webmasters would use to gain the system and boost their site higher in the search engines in order to receive more affiliate dollars. As Google (and its users) have gotten smarter,many of these tactics don’t work the way they used to (not that their aren’t many an SEO making a lot of money).
For the rest of us what has begun to happen is that ranking higher in the search engines has gotten easier. If you (you meaning your website)become a resource by provide great content to your community (meaning start with a blog), and get out there (there meaning the web) and start making friends (meaning start commenting on blogs, and linking to people) you will be pleasantly surprised with the results (as long as you post regularly and are providing good content).
I will talk about how to make a plan that compliments your overall marketing plan, what you can do to get started today (well actually tomorrow since that’s when I’m presenting) and what are some of the resources available to help you on your way (the free ones at least since everyone there will be solo consultants, meaning cheap).
Download the handout if you’d like to get a sneak peak.
SEO for the rest of us
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