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I often forget that most people aren’t used to change. Some people have to constantly relearn how to do things.
I’ve never not know change. The idea of changing seems almost foreign. Change to me means I have to teach someone a new way to do things.
This may be a little meta, but I think we should instead learn how to learn instead of learn how to do some *thing*.
We should seek knowledge, not process. Don’t get me wrong, process is vital but it’s not the end goal. Process is a means to free up more time to learn something new.
If we are constantly learning than every knew experience is an opportunity to learn something. You may do some tasks in the same way you did them last time but when you have to do them differently it won’t be a “change” it will be new knowledge.
To quote Tyler Durden in Fight Club:
“Nothing is static. Everything is evolving. Everything is falling apart.”
I don’t actually think things are falling apart. That would imply change.
Business, technology or society will ever go back to a time where we learn a task and never have to relearn again. But some people approach their jobs and Marketing like that.
Social media is not another tactic to learn how to execute on and them optimize. Yes there are tactics we need to learn and optimize but if you approach this space with that mindset, then you’ve already become obsolete.
Social media is one manifestation of a broader shift that’s happened in society. Things have fundamentally changed.
We have entered an age of perpetual learning. Stop trying to change and just start learning.
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