If, like me, your job is to keep up on the latest trends and then translate that into actionable strategies for business and you’ve been trying to find follow the mobile space, your head is probably spinning. Even just this morning when I opened up my RSS reader I was bombarded with blog posts all [...]
I am incredibly fascinated by Location Based Services. Both because I used to own a skateboard shop and sympathize with the blight of the brick and mortar small business owner but geo-local also ties into my fascination with studying human behavior. It’s a digital anthropologists dream. I first started using Brightkite 2 1/2 years ago. [...]
Alternatively titled: The Rebirth of Brick and Mortar. Will location based services (LBS), like Foursquare, Gowalla, Facebook Places and SCVNGR ever go main stream when only 4% of adults use them? Yes they will. But the future of “checking in” is actually “checking out.” Huh? I know youâre wondering if Iâve been stuck in one too [...]
Following on my 10 Links post on the Future of Retail (yes I even used the same picture) I present to you 10 Links about the growing Mobile, Geolocation, Social Shopping, Coupon Craze. My 10 Links posts donât draw any conclusions for you but instead I try and share with you some of the roadsigns [...]
Geolocation as we know it today is not what we will know it as 5 years from now. Right now itâs all games and coupons but the implications of geolocation go way beyond retail (although the impact it will have on retail shouldnât be underestimated). Kristen Grant, on my team, pointed out one day that [...]
Many people may be thinking to themselves that retail is irrelevant. Donât count retail out just yet. We are on the cusp of seeing a major overhaul in the way we experience retail. Social Media, Social CRM, mobile, geolocation and augmented reality are all coming together to completely reinvent the brick and mortar experience. Iâm [...]
In a recent press release AT&T announced the launch of Buzz.com. This is obviously a direct attack against Yelp and other location based recommendations. Itâs interesting they are using the domain Buzz, the most overused word lately, now we just need Apple to launch iBuzz. But itâs especially interesting that they are using the Yellow [...]
The GeoWars were in full frontal attack this week at SXSW. While the main battle was being fought between Foursquare and hometown favorite, Gowalla there were dozens of other location based services hoping to get some attention. I have said several times that there is no “offline” or “online” there just is. This is becoming [...]
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