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This tag is associated with 16 posts

If Chris Anderson Can’t Reinvent the Publishing World, Who Can?

Image by Tac Anderson via Flickr If Chris Anderson Can’t Reinvent the Publishing World, Who Can? This post originally ran on the Studio D blog last week. Wired Struggles to Find Niche in Magazine World - NYTimes.com Even as Chris Anderson makes a boatload of money of his ideas, subsequent books and high dollar speaking [...]

The only thing you should be doing

I originally wrote this post several months ago and it’s taken me this long to remove the excess emotion and get it to a point I thought it was ready to post. I still don’t know if it’s ready but I feel it needs to be said. The only thing you should be doing I [...]

Twitter: the last bastion of Web 2.0 Innovation

Image via CrunchBase “Why won’t people shut up about Twitter?” I’ve heard this question a lot over the last 2 years. I’ve even said it a time or two. So why do we obsess about Twitter? Remember the good old days (3-4 yrs ago)? Before Social Media it was just New Media (Chris Garrett‘s still [...]

Creative Interactions Lead to More Innovation.

Image via WikipediaThere isn’t a CEO alive who doesn’t think more innovation is a good thing and something that their organization needs more of it. The problem is, no one’s really sure how to maximize it in a cost effective manner. We all have vague notions of where it comes from and there is no [...]

Business Lessons From a Dead Viking

I’ve been reading Michael Raynor’s Strategy Paradox where he addresses the fact that so many good strategies fail. He points out that the DNA between good strategy and bad strategy is often impossible to tell apart. Raynor is coauthor of Innovators Solution with Clayton Christensen. I highly recommend both books. Raynor (with props to Jared [...]

The Key to Innovation is Failure

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