My Vision for the Future of PR
I have this vision of an event that takes place sometime in the next two years. It goes something like this, although the exact details will differ (the future is a funny thing like that).
A PR account team is sitting down with their client talking about an up-coming product introduction. In the meeting is the account team of about 3 people from the agency, few members of the clients PR team, one or two members from the product marketing team and one of the engineers that worked on the product.
As everyone is talking about the coming launch the engineer mentions something interesting, slightly humorous and not really vital about the product. Something like how they came up with the name or why they decided to build in a certain new feature.
One of the people on the account team whips out a Flip camera and asks the engineer to tell the story again and this time they record it. It’s short, maybe 5 minutes, and the meeting goes on. The PR person downloads the video onto their laptop, does a quick edit and emails it out to a hand full of bloggers they know would be interested all before the meetings over.
What I like about this vision is no one was surprised by this, it’s a fairly regular occurrence. The regular PR account team knew how to do this all on their own. No one had to send the video through legal, or marketing. The team was empowered to act on an opportunity they knew would support the company strategy.
I’m working really hard to make this happen sooner than later.
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