As was pointed out yesterday, the amount of sharing is increasing at an exponential rate. The fact is that most of it is rubbish (I’m practicing my ‘English’). As is highlighted in recent posts by Ray Augie and Gavin Heaton, “Likes” don’t mean much and if you want real value you need to move beyond surface level [...]
Content and Effort Have you ever been in the paper? You know the actual one made of trees and ink. It’s pretty cool. I’ve even had some of my work written up in a book and even though I wasn’t mentioned by name it was still pretty cool. Being mentioned in a blog post or [...]
You can have a lengthy conversation without sharing much (this would pretty much describe the relationship I have with most of my extended family). You can also share a great deal without having much of a conversation (this pretty much describes Twitter). Yesterday I shared a link - okay yes I actually share 10-15 links [...]
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