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The Marketing PR Communications Consolidation Has Begun

Last year I made 5 predictions that would play out over the next 5 years. One of those was that social media would drive a consolidation between internal PR and Marketing groups.

Top 5 Predictions for the Next 5 Years in Business Social Media

2) Marketing Communications Consolidation-

We will begin to see big companies do away with separate marketing and PR groups. In some cases we will even see HR and customer support get rolled up. (You can read my previous post on the great marketing/communications roll up here.) PR and Marketing, especially as it relates to their go to go to market activities, are largely duplicating each others efforts. It doesn’t make sense to have two separate groups *internally*. You will still have separate PR and advertising agencies. There will continue to be real value in discipline expertise. But some agencies will start (continue) to consolidate (see point #3).

We will see a few big brands do this in 2010 and I predict it will become a best practice over the next 5 years. Look for the McKinsey type consulting groups to make this a practice area and Harvard Business Review to publish an article on the topic in 2010.

I said we would see a few big brands do this in 2010, well here’s one.

NBC Combines Marketing, Promo and PR Departments

NBC News said today that it will be combining its communications, marketing and promotion arms into one department, NBC News Marketing and Communications.

Lauren Kapp, who has been with NBC since 2002, most recently as VP NBC News Communications, is being promoted to oversee the new unit.

“We work so closely together, but as the industry changes and the media landscape evolves, we just found ourselves working more closely, and it make sense to have us more cohesive,” said Kapp in a phone interview with PRNewser today. “We’re always looking for ways to do things better.”

She also said the entire teams of each department will remain intact and no layoffs would take place as a result of the combination. A key recent promotion in the department was Ryan Osborn as the first social media director of NBC News. The promotion, “gives you some sense of the direction we’re heading in,” said Kapp.

I also made 10 more wild predictions for this year and with a few of them I’m doing pretty good but with some of them, not so much.
Top 10 2010 Social Media Predictions

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

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    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tac Anderson, Tonja Deegan, Craig M. Jamieson, Marquise Stillwell, Marketing Filter and others. Marketing Filter said: RT @tacanderson The Marketing PR Communications Consolidation Has Begun http://bit.ly/dfhX6y (new post) [...]

  • http://www.searchengineoptimisation.com Phil

    Infact big brands are more serious with their social media reputation, i was reading a blog where it was mentioned that they created separate team to monitor bad reputation each day and contact the clients directly for any issue if they posted any bad comments….seems over care here

  • http://www.alivecomms.com/ Marketing Communications

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