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“What’s the next big thing?”
I get this question a lot. I mean seriously a lot. I usually talk about some new shiny object on the verge of being discovered by the main stream.
Sometimes I’m right: Blogging, Twitter FriendFeed (yet to be realized)
Sometimes I’m wrong: BrightKite (although it’s not too late)
On Monday I got to catch up with Jeremiah Owyang at the Bellevue Tweetup. Since he was on business he had fellow Forrester analyst Ted Schadler with him. Ted asked me, “what’s the next big thing?” I was stumped.
It’s rare to catch me without some sort of answer but I didn’t have one. First I mumbled something about that there doesn’t have to be a next thing (which was crap and I knew it). After some prodding from Ted and Jeremiah I said FriendFeed which is my usual answer right now. But that answer doesn’t feel right. It’s true, but there’s something else out there and it’s not a “thing”.
Web 2.0 (which I define as the new tool set and capabilities behind the Social Web) has allowed for an exponential growth in the the way we use the Web as well as the tools (aka bright shiny objects) that we’ve been *playing* with for the last 5+ years.
I say ‘playing with’ because that’s all we’ve really been doing. We’ve all done some amazing things and brought some incredible value to business but I think we’ve only scratched the surface.
I think we’ve been moving so fast that we haven’t spent the time to maximize the value in the tools we already have.
So Ted, I’d like another chance to answer your question. What’s the next big thing?
While there will be new tools developed, I think most of them will be iterative advances on what we already have, I think the next big thing is going back and mining the value out of our existing tools.
Related articles by Zemanta
- What’s your Web Mosaic look like? (newcommbiz.com)
- FriendFeed is Reaching Critical Mass (newcommbiz.com)
- On Being a Human Filter (newcommbiz.com)
- Top 10 Blog Posts [May 2009] FriendFeed Steals the Show (newcommbiz.com)
- The Future of Twitter: Social CRM (Jeremiah Owyang/Web Strategy) (techmeme.com)
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