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The Only 3 Blogging Guidelines Your Company Needs

LEGO 3I love the simplicity and directness of these guidelines. Remember this is for blogging and I don’t think this is enough for general employee social media guidelines.

    Only employees that have been through media training and are current in their business code of conduct training.

    This one rule obviously bypasses the need to include a whole laundry list of rules but most companies have some sort of code of conduct (if you don’t you should) and in today’s always on media environment a little media training can go a long way.

    Employees who are subject matter experts in a topic.

    Not marketing or PR but the actual subject matter experts within the company. What a novel idea.

    Employees who have been approved by their manager.

      This is an important and sometimes over looked point. On one hand it can be a challenge for those who don’t have a cooperative manager but if you have management buy in this makes things like time commitment and prioritization so much easier.

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      Photo credit by Leo Reynolds

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      About Tac

      Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

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      • http://www.lifetime.fi/ ristopaarni

        This entry certainly opens the discussion. Perhaps you want expand the list later on?

      • http://www.newcommbiz.com tacanderson

        Everything that applies to normal comms applies to social media. Don't talk about sensitive info, blah, blah, blah.

        I think everything fits in these three. Now HR may need a separate list for their business code of conduct, but that's another story. Why, what were you hoping to see?

      • http://www.lifetime.fi/ ristopaarni

        Maybe so, but the standards may vary in EU and US or with SME and Corporations.

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