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What will Twitter do with $100 Million? [Acquisitions]

Image by TW Collins via Flickr

While there are some great debates over Twitter’s newest round of funding the bigger question is what is such a small business (29 employees) going to do with all that money?

I’ve said it over and over again. They will buy their business model. I believe that Twitter is building out a core functionality that will enable a whole ecosystem of products and services. Within a few years people will be using services and not even realize they are being enabled by Twitter.

They’ll build some features and tools (the easy ones). They’ll start making the kind of partnerships that Facebook is making in selling data to other companies. But I think they are going to start getting serious about acquiring companies.

I’m hoping they make some really creative ones like Adobe did when it bought Omniture. You know like buy Iceland or something.

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Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

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