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Where are the lunch lady blogs?

Where are the lunch lady blogs?

Often when I speak I like to pose this scenario:

Imagine that you are on a flight home and you get upgraded to first class. Now imagine that you end up sitting next to the CEO of a big company that’s based in your home town. That company has recently missed their numbers and analysts are speculating what’s going on inside the company and what they’re going to do about it.  As you’re chatting it up with said CEO you ask him how things are going with the company and he tells you, what you think is a reasonable answer.

After your trip you attend your child’s soccer game and there on the sidelines is the lunch lady for the company who’s CEO you just shared a flight with. As you’re chatting it up with said lunch lady you ask her how things are going and she tells you a completely different answer than the CEO.

Who do you believe?

One thing that we’ve learned about why social media is that we all trust “people like me.”  Whenever I give this scenario and ask the question I have NEVER had anyone pick the CEO and I’ve even posed this question to a room full of CEO’s.

There are so many companies that are doing great things with social media right now but we haven’t taken it far enough. We’ve enabled our marketing teams, key communication groups and our engineers and product developers but we have not yet pushed social media all the way through the company.

We will have finally reached truly social businesses when we let the lunch lady blog.

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

  • http://www.reputationtorevenue.com Rob Leavitt

    Love this! It’s the lunch lady acid test.

  • http://www.reputationtorevenue.com Rob Leavitt

    Love this! It’s the lunch lady acid test.

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com/what-should-we-ask-gary-vaynerchuk-to-do-for-this-blog/ New Comm Biz » What Should We Ask Gary Vaynerchuk to do for this Blog?

    [...] Where are the lunch lady blogs? (newcommbiz.com) [...]

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