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Why haven’t we seen Fake Re-Tweets on Twitter

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

We’ve seen tons of fake Twitter accounts but something I’m surprised we don’t see on Twitter is the Fake Re-Tweet #FakeRT (You could also start with FRT, but the 10 yr old in me giggles every time I see that) Things like:

RT @louisgray I secretly like the Zune sooo much better than the iPod #FakeRT
RT @chrisbrogan I’m really identical tripplets, it’s how I get so much done #FakeRT
RT @DoctorJones I really wish I’d gone into advertising #FakeRT
RT @Jowyang I’m bored with social media #FakeRT
RT @peterkim I am declaring myself THE social media expert #FakeRT
RT @tacanderson I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m just making it up #FakeRT (wait, that one’s a little too close to home)

Maybe it’s because we’re all “friends”? That can’t be it because the people I make fun of the most are my friends. Maybe it’s the fear or retribution? Maybe it’s because no one has thought of it yet and I’m sick for even bringing it up?

I don’t know why but I’ve been wondering for a while now why we haven’t seen it yet.

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

  • Kevin Donaldson

    Twitter takes the anonomous-ness out of the web to some degree. For example - people who start flame wars online do so because they can hid behind their machine. Most of these people would never do this in the real world - friends or not. Yes - twitter accounts can still be anonymous but if you aren’t authentic most people don’t have time for that.

  • Kevin Donaldson

    Twitter takes the anonomous-ness out of the web to some degree. For example - people who start flame wars online do so because they can hid behind their machine. Most of these people would never do this in the real world - friends or not. Yes - twitter accounts can still be anonymous but if you aren’t authentic most people don’t have time for that.

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