What does your life stream say about your life?
The biggest irony in what many people call a life stream is there’s no “life” to it. Sharing interesting link is great, thanks keep it up. Sharing links with some extra context is also greatly appreciated and blogging frequently is great as well (provided you’re saying something interesting and original). But none of that is a life stream. Where’s your life?
What did you do over the weekend? What music do you listen to? Where’s that funny picture of your dog/cat/kid/stranger on the bus?
A life stream is not a functionality. It’s a stream of your life.
I’m not saying you have to share every dirty detail of your life. Please don’t share where your kids go to school and what time and where they catch the bus. If you’re not comfortable with it don’t talk about when you’re leaving for vacation. But do please post a few photo’s when you get back.
I’m not even saying that you have to life stream. Maybe that’s not your thing. That’s cool. Just don’t call a blog a life stream because it sounds more cutting edge.
And finally: Do whatever the hell you want. Who am I to tell you what your life stream is? Maybe your life is just a series of links.
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